Image by Jens Lelie on Unsplash
This feature was initially asked by ClementCornut on issue #127.
Initially I was a little unsure whether to publish esm
and cjs
, but then I started to like the idea of exporting
my packages as @h4ad/serverless-adapter/adapters/aws
You can use it by installing the new version:
npm i @h4ad/serverless-adapter@4.0.1
The version 4.0.0 was released with a bug that didn't include the package files, so I released the version 4.0.1 to fix this issue.
In the previous version, since I only export to commonjs
, you need to import the files as /lib/adapters/aws
, which is not bad, but not exactly good.
This was necessary because I can't export all files in the default export
as this will lead you to install all frameworks supported by this library.
But ok, I had some problems while adding support for dual-package publishing which I want to share with you only, and especially for my future version if you want to add support for dual-package publishing in your modules.
I already use vitest
test my package and to build the previous versions,
it works great and is specially fast to run the tests (5.82s to run 456 tests across 52 files).
But the configuration to build was a little bit nightmare:
// some initial configuration lines...
...(!isTest && {
esbuild: {
format: 'cjs',
platform: 'node',
target: 'node18',
sourcemap: 'external',
minifyIdentifiers: false,
build: {
outDir: 'lib',
emptyOutDir: true,
sourcemap: true,
lib: {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.ts'),
formats: ['cjs'],
rollupOptions: {
external: ['yeoman-generator'],
input: glob.sync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/**/*.ts')),
output: {
preserveModules: true,
entryFileNames: entry => {
const { name } = entry;
const fileName = `${name}.js`;
return fileName;
All of this configuration was necessary as I need to build my package to match exactly the same structure as src
which was needed for users to import as /lib/adapters/aws
On the first attempt, I just tried to extend this configuration, but I spent a few hours and managed to generate
a good package output, but it was missing some details that were very painful to bear, such as correctly emitting d.cts
If you want to see how it turned out, if you want to try doing this using vite
here is vite.config.ts.
But then I started to give up and tweeted about it.
Suggestions from Twitter
I got some incredible helpful messages on twitter and I will cover those suggestions that I applied to be able to finally support dual package publish.
Re-exporting on mjs
This was a suggestion from Matteo Collina, he also sent me the package snap which does this re-export, which I also saw being used in Orama, is basically doing this:
Your state:
import Date from 'date';
const someDate = new Date();
Define/export on cjs
const state = require('./state.cjs');
module.exports.state = state;
Re-export on mjs
import state from './state.cjs';
export {
This way, I solve the problem of state isolation, but I will need:
- or manually export all these files
- or use a tool to automate this process
Both ways will be a bit painful to maintain, so I didn't go that route.
This approach can be fine if your library maintains state and the codebase is pure javascript.
Instead of trying to go through this configuration hell in vite
, Michele Riva
suggested tsup which is incredibly easy to use.
I spent less than 10 minutes to generate almost the same output as the previous configuration with vite
but this time the output was correct, with d.cts
files being generated.
My configuration file now looks like this:
export default defineConfig({
outDir: './lib',
clean: true,
dts: true,
format: ['esm', 'cjs'],
outExtension: ({ format }) => ({
js: format === 'cjs' ? '.cjs' : '.mjs',
cjsInterop: true,
// the libEntries is basically all the entries I need to export,
// like: adapters/aws, frameworks/fastify, etc...
entry: ['src/index.ts', ...libEntries],
sourcemap: true,
skipNodeModulesBundle: true,
minify: true,
target: 'es2022',
tsconfig: './',
keepNames: true,
bundle: true,
package.json exports
Since I have a lot of things to export, I also automate the configuration of exports
in package.json
// I do the same for adapters, frameworks and handlers
const resolvers = ['aws-context', 'callback', 'dummy', 'promise'];
const libEntries = [ => `src/resolvers/${resolver}/index.ts`),
const createExport = (filePath: string) => ({
import: {
types: `./lib/${filePath}.d.ts`,
default: `./lib/${filePath}.mjs`,
require: {
types: `./lib/${filePath}.d.cts`,
default: `./lib/${filePath}.cjs`,
const createExportReducer =
(initialPath: string) => (acc: object, name: string) => {
acc[`./${initialPath}/${name}`] = createExport(
acc[`./lib/${initialPath}/${name}`] = createExport(
return acc;
const packageExports = {
'.': createExport('index'),
...resolvers.reduce(createExportReducer('resolvers'), {}),
// and I also do the same for adapters, frameworks and handlers.
// this command does the magic to update my package.json
execSync(`npm pkg set exports='${JSON.stringify(packageExports)}' --json`);
This works incredible and also keep my package.json
Module not found on moduleResolution node
But there is one thing you should pay attention to, did you see that I export files with the prefix ./lib
"exports": {
"./adapters/apollo-server": {...},
"./lib/adapters/apollo-server": {...},
The content of both is the same, but I do this to be compatible with the resolution of node
Without this configuration, the IDE
will show the import to @h4ad/serverless-adapter/adapters/apollo-server
as resolved, but
will not be able to find the file during the runtime.
And the interesting part of doing this is that people who import this package with /lib
will still be able to import the code,
and they won't need any code modifications.
Maybe I could release this feature without it being a breaking change with this change, but to be on the safe side, I released it as a breaking change anyway.
The publint is a tool that I learned on ESM Modernization Lessons inside Early Attempts
this article was a suggestion by Luca Micieli.
With this tool, I detect several problems with the exports
configuration and this will make your life a lot easier.
But this tool has a problem that they didn't catch, and this problem was pointed out by Michele Riva, instead:
"exports": {
"resolvers/promise": {
I should export it with the prefix ./
"exports": {
"./resolvers/promise": {
This small detail can make your configuration fail.
The verdaccio was suggested by Abhijeet Prasad, with this tool you can have your private registry that you can use to test, Abhijeet use this tool on Sentry SDKs to do e2e tests.
With this tool, I was able to make sure the package was working correctly with the new dual package publish.
Wrong moduleResolution
It took me a while to realize, but while testing the changes in a sample project, the imports still failed because TypeScript couldn't find the files.
So I remember the suggestion from sami who gave me some examples of projects he uses
in BuilderIO/hidration-overlay,
and I understand the difference between moduleResolution
, in my project it was configured for node
in his project it was configured for bundler
When I changed this setting, all imports started working and imports using /lib/adapters/aws
started failing.
If you're like me and have no idea what this setting is about, the documentation says:
Specify the module resolution strategy:
'node16' or 'nodenext' for modern versions of Node.js. Node.js v12 and later supports both ECMAScript imports and CommonJS require, which resolve using different algorithms. These moduleResolution values, when combined with the corresponding module values, picks the right algorithm for each resolution based on whether Node.js will see an import or require in the output JavaScript code.
'node10' (previously called 'node') for Node.js versions older than v10, which only support CommonJS require. You probably won’t need to use node10 in modern code.
'bundler' for use with bundlers. Like node16 and nodenext, this mode supports package.json "imports" and "exports", but unlike the Node.js resolution modes, bundler never requires file extensions on relative paths in imports.
Make sense why it was not working at all, node
was not built to support exports
, and only nodenext
and bundler
should work correctly.
Doubling the package size
Something I saw that made me a little worried was the size of this package, since I need to export the code, types and source maps twice, the package
went from ~600Kb
to ~1.5Mb
I enabled minification to try to reduce the amount of code shipped, but if you use this library and don't have any kind of minification/bundling during your build, I highly recommend you look into these libraries to help you with the size of your zip file being uploaded:
The esm
packages was a nightmare to support some time ago but the ecosystem is starting solving problems with new tools to bundle your project
instead of having to fight with your own configuration files.
The cjs
is a no-brain solution, almost no configuration and it works great but maybe is not ideal for your consumers/clients, some of them can have issues
like ClementCornut that needed to import the files with the full path import awsPkg from "@h4ad/serverless-adapter/lib/adapters/aws/index.js";
When I started adding this feature, I had no knowledge of how to publish double packages, I basically go-horse in the early hours of my implementation and then I started learning more about how it works and how to properly configure the package.
This makes me realize that dual-package publishing isn't the nightmare I initially thought, I just didn't learn from the previous mistakes other people made and I should have read more articles about it before I started implementing it.
My sincere thanks to:
Without you, it will probably take me a lot longer to be able to convince myself to go ahead and try again to add support for dual-package publish after the first failures.