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Http Trigger V4


Check the AzureHandler docs to make sure you have all the necessary settings to work with this adapter.

The adapter to handle requests from Azure Http Trigger V4.


When an error is thrown during forwarding and the responseWithErrors option is true, we return a 500 status WITH error stack in the response.


This adapter was created to work with runtine 4.x, see the docs to know more about how to check and change the version if you need.

In theory, this adapter works with runtime 3.x but I haven't tested it.

About the adapter

This adapter transforms every request coming from Azure Http Trigger V4 into an HTTP request to your framework.

"accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br",
"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"sec-ch-ua":"\".Not/A)Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"103\", \"Chromium\";v=\"103\"",
"x-arr-ssl":"2048|256|CN=Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 01, O=Microsoft Corporation, C=US|CN=*, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=WA, C=US",
"name":"H4ad Event"
"rawBody":"{\"name\":\"H4ad Event\"}",

So, to add support to the above request, we must have registered the /api/test-serverless-adapter/events route as POST and when Http Trigger sends this event, you will get:

  • body: {"name":"H4ad Event"}
  • queryString: code=sE_d8h7XJ4YYsGJ7mgVta_t-32323%3D%3D


You can strip base path with the option stripBasePath inside HttpTriggerV4AdapterOptions.


You can configure this option based on your api base url like: /api/test-serverless-adapter, then the request coming from /api/test-serverless-adapter/events will be transformed into /events.


To add support to Azure Http Trigger you do the following:

import { ServerlessAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter';
import { AzureHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/handlers/azure';
import { PromiseResolver } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/resolvers/promise';
import { HttpTriggerV4Adapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/adapters/azure';
import app from './app';

export const handler =
.setHandler(new AzureHandler())
// .setFramework(new ExpressFramework())
.setResolver(new PromiseResolver())
.addAdapter(new HttpTriggerV4Adapter())
// customizing:
// .addAdapter(new HttpTriggerV4Adapter({ stripBasePath: '/api/test-serverless-adapter' }))

You MUST use the PromiseResolver combined with AzureHandler to make this adapter work.


This handler was created inspired by code written by @Shamshiel and @zachabney, thank you very much to them!